

Friday, September 12, 2014

Butterfly Eclosion

I've been monitoring about eight chrysalises for the past several days. With great anticipation I make my rounds every morning, hoping that today will be the day I will see one hatch. Usually I'm too late and all I see is an empty chrysalis. But today... I noticed one particular chrysalis that looked almost see-through. I knew it could eclose at any minute and I didn't want to miss it. So, I settled down to watch and wait.

A light mist was falling... a hummingbird buzzed by and hovered for a second to look at me... cardinals, blue jays, and chickadees hopped around in the branches and sang their morning songs... and still I waited. An ant crawled up my leg... a spider caught my attention as it hung on its sparkling web... the hummingbird came back, puzzled that I hadn't moved... still nothing. I was about to go inside, when a slight movement caught my eye. I looked closely, and sure enough, a crack had formed along the tip of the chrysalis. It was eclosing (hatching, for those not sure what eclosing means). I was so excited!

I was glad I took the time to watch and wait, because it was over in about 40 seconds. Here's the proof:

About 10 minutes before it eclosed

After, when it was still drying its wings

Here's another one that also hatched this morning


  1. I keep trying to make comments and they don't go through! :-(

    Anyhow, I love the videos and the stories!!

  2. :) I'm glad you enjoyed them, I sure enjoyed watching and documenting the process.
