

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Amazing Natural Fireworks

Throughout the last several hundred years we have used fireworks to celebrate special occasions. Today, the 4th of July, as we celebrate Independence Day I would like to share some of nature's incredible fireworks. The Japanese word for fireworks is "hanabi": hana means "flower" and bi means "fire". So here are just a few of nature's hanabi or "flowers of fire."

Firework flower
Red flower firework








We could add pictures of awe-inspiring lightning storms, dazzling shooting stars, stunning firefly displays, radiant sunsets, dancing northern lights, swaying sea anemones... God has created an incredible celebration of color and variety for us to enjoy!

Happy 4th!

1 comment:

  1. That was beautiful. Thank you. I had not thought of flowers as fireworks, but it's obvious that I was just unaware of this point of view. Delightful.
